
Cancellation Policy:
Once orders are paid for and prepared for dispatch, clients who choose to cancel their order will be responsible for covering all costs incurred up to that point. This may include restocking fees (if applicable), pallet courier fees, or any other postal service charges.

Return Policy:
If a client decides to return an order, whether partially or in full, where the goods are undamaged or defective. Clients must notify Jordec Flooring Solutions of all returns within 28 days from the original order delivery date.

Refund Process:
Refunds will only be processed after the returned goods have been verified at the warehouse. Refunds will be issued for goods deemed to be in ‘resalable condition’ after inspection. The refund process may take up to 14 days after receiving the goods.

Damaged and Defective Goods:
While it is the client’s responsibility to inspect goods before signing for them, Jordec Flooring Solutions understands that the condition of damaged and/or defective goods may not be immediately apparent. Clients should report any damages or defects within 24 hours of delivery, providing photographic or video evidence as necessary.

Failure to report damages within 24 hours of delivery deems the goods acceptable, absolving Jordec Flooring Solutions of liability thereafter. Jordec Flooring Solutions commits to rectifying defects resulting from faulty design, materials, or workmanship by conducting repairs or replacing the goods. However, compensation for such defects is not covered under the liability agreement.

Claims for damages post-installation due to defective products must be confirmed by an independent flooring inspector. Claims without an official report will not be covered by any manufacturer’s structural warranty.